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Gina Gayle Gray, Freedom Coach, Counselor & Oracle
Video Interviews

Finding Wisdom & Inspiration in Every Conversation!


Savvy Soul-U-Tions are Answers From Your Soul

Get inspired with Gina Gayle Gray now on Savvy Soul-U-tions – Take The Journey Back To Me With A Freedom Coach, Counselor, and Oracle. Gina says, "Soul-U-tions can only be found once you’ve removed the wall around your heart and allowed your Emotional Being to guide you toward connection and compassion. Take back that personal power within you and, by extension, your freedom as well!


Our Souls are like Pearls deep inside us.​ To polish her Pearl, Gina supports others. In doing so, a powerful synergy is created between her and her clients that naturally upgrades all parties involved. To truly unlock your Soul-U-tions, you can sign up for a 40-Day Journey Back To Me. In this program, you’ll be able to fully utilize that powerful synergy created between Gina and you to make the most of your rediscovery.​ 


To learn more about her Journey Back To Me Program, watch these inspiring and informative videos where Gina and Dr. Pat of Transformation Talk Network have in-depth conversations about all the aspects that are focused on during a journey back to self with guidance from Gina.

Listen to the Silence:  Messages & Miracles From Spencer Who Never Spoke Words

Spencer and Gina know that the bond between a mother and her child never ends. The grateful connection and unconditional love they share lasted even after Spencer transcended his body at age 23. When Spencer's messages--"Spencpirations"--began coming into Gina's awareness soon after he transcended, she knew their wild ride together was continuing with passion and exploration!


This led to the creation of their book and Gina's work with others who need her support to heal their emotional wounds, and those who may want to learn how to communicate with their loved ones who are in the Spirit world. Gina's work is based in the Wisdom that is found within the emotions that are shared between silent communicators and those who care enough to listen . . . to the silence.

To learn more about how Gina works with people who want to heal their emotional wounds--especially GRIEF--watch these podcast interviews.

Listen to the Silence Podcast Interviews

Listen to the Silence Podcast Interviews

Listen to the Silence Podcast Interviews
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Listening to the Silence--Grief 2 Growth

Listening to the Silence--Grief 2 Growth

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LISTEN TO THE SILENCE: The ASTONISHING Wisdom of a Son Who Never Spoke! with Gina Gayle Gray

LISTEN TO THE SILENCE: The ASTONISHING Wisdom of a Son Who Never Spoke! with Gina Gayle Gray

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Dealing With Grief and Trapped Emotions

Dealing With Grief and Trapped Emotions

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